Thursday 19 June 2014

Jon's sketchbook, part one

If there's one thing I love doing, it's doodling. Stick a piece of paper in front of my nose when I'm holding a pencil, and before you know it it'll be covered in artwork! Thankfully, to stop me from enthusiastically scrawling all over, say, a mint-condition copy of Fantastic Four #1, the powers-that-be ensure I always carry a sketchbook and a fully-loaded pencil case with me at all times (because they are rightly concerned about the public's safety). As such, I now have a collection of those beasts lurking on my bookshelf - many chained down to stop them from escaping - packed cover to cover with characters, logos and typography, environments, props and weapons, clothing.....



Whoa! Sorry, drifted off into a drawing fugue there. Ooh, and look at this - I seem to have sketched up a whole bunch of character / design material, apparently for some kind of alien shaman-type-thing who freaks out settlers on his planet with all sorts of freaky spirit-summoning rituals. I was thinking about centipedes and pangolins while I was in there, for some reason.... Let's have a look, shall we?

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